Saturday, June 25, 2011

What is on my mind...

In a beautiful world time slows. Moments are cherished by the flavorful people they contain. There are no airplanes, jets, or flying devices. If you want to go see faraway places you must travel by boat, for the journey is more important than the destination.
In a beautiful world people sit down, share a meal together, and have real conversation. Topics floating around the table may include beliefs, culture, language, passions, and doing good for others.
In a beautiful world old is beautiful. Wrinkles and white hair are wisdom. Actions do speak louder than words.
In a beautiful world people are open books. You say when you're happy, you hug the ones you love, and you let the world know that you're sunshine. No one is a stranger and it is socially acceptable to converse with whomever whenever.
In a beautiful world there is acceptance. Peoples of different backgrounds and creeds live harmoniously. There are no enemies; there isn't war. Everyone does their best to help their fellow neighbor.
In this world here I am dreaming, wishing, and waiting for this beauty. But what the world needs are beautiful people who are willing as Ghandi puts it to "Be the change you wish to see in the world". Here I am. I am ready. This is my beautiful world. What is yours?

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