So like many other people I have stumbled upon stumbleupon.com and its' wonders. One thing I found (sorry I can't seem to find the link, oops!) is a how to make your own daily planner. I didn't follow the guidelines strictly, but worked with what I have. I don't like going and buying planners at staples because 1). They are not cheap and 2). They aren't always cute looking if they are cheap.
All you need for this is: 2 manila file folders, wire, a hot glue gun, word processor, and some pretty fabric/paper.
I used the manila folders and carefully measured what size I wanted my planner to be. I then folded this in half BUT left about an inch to be the spine of the book. (Does this make sense? I didn't just fold it in half...I measured halfway then made an inch for the spine there).
I made the pages using Word on the computer...I kinda fiddled with the sizes of it. Used the trial and error method :o) I have a page for contacts, birthdays, a monthly calendar, a weekly calendar, and more! The best thing is....you can personalize it!
By looking at the second picture you can see how I used wire to bind it all together. I just took two smaller strips of wire...cut out a rectangle to fit within the spine of the book....and hot glued the rectangle over the wire strips. What I did that worked better for the binding is I made a small hoop at one end of the wire. I would then use the other end and make a hoop around the other hoop. This worked much better than just tying it together because the pages would often get stuck when it was just tied.
Add some pretty fabric/paper to the front and inside covers and ....Volia! A beautiful, unique, and personal planner just for you! :o)
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